Thursday, February 09, 2012

6th Semester started. 
Diploma ending soon, 
and the tough part has yet to come
feeling so stresses out all of a sudden 
due to previous semester exam
I think I did quite bad on it
waiting for the results to be released
feel so unwell

Shall do very very extremely well
for this semester
pay 100% effort 
I know I can do it

hmm, I know it's late to say this
me and him had been together for a year
time flies in just a blink of an eye
We quarrel at times but
we pull it off with the problem together as well

ya, and le fussy and da xiao jie me
always throw tantrum at him
this is bad and I know it very well
it's time for me to change this habit
scared he'll dump me one day
I'm serious. 

LOL. alright nuff said.
think this update is good enough =)