Thursday, January 22, 2009

what a dulan day
everyone was so dulan today
even myself was dulan
you can see how dulan am I
as I've mentioned the 'dulan' for 4 times

at first I was ok
and then Mun Keat doing those quite funny looking face
and that was ok
but I didn't want to bother him
as I think he's just crapping
I'm not dulan at all at that moment

and then he acted he was so serious
and was like scolding me
and then I really dulan ady
because he was saying me dulan
but as the matter a fact I WAS NOT, lol

then he say sorry with no trusty
then by then I was not blaming him but someone else
then he thought it was him
then again he acted so angry
and shouted at me and threw the chair
then I cannot tahan ady
I cried ( worst part)

eh people
you know how dulan am I or not?
until macam yes then at the end you said just playing?
and it really freaks me out la please


by the crazy as ever -yinsan

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