Thursday, June 03, 2010

I wanna shop but I don't have money to shop
how much I wish my sis would be here in Malaysia right now
so that I don't have to think about the "ke ching"$$$
because there's something call "loke card" haha. see so good.
don't know my mum will get me one or not. as a birthday present perhaps.
no money how to shop
yet I got so many stuff need to buy.
yes a lot.
top bottom bag shoes sunglasses *I got one ady yor. just everything that has to do with dress up then I need it
but right actually my closet is kinda full
but how come I never get to wear those?
is it because it's too mature or what? but still it's not enough.
I need lots of dress that's what it is and a lot of tops!! and also JEANS!!!
Yes indeed I love jeans A LOT! though I had a lot but I still want more.
I don't care need to find another job or maybe stick to this job so I can shop. haha
off to work now!
it's only 7.55am I woke up early just to blog? NO!!!
I got assignment to do LOL. BYE!!!

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