Tuesday, September 07, 2010

SM Town Live 2010 was a big success in the United States over the weekend. lol
I super love SM town as all the artists are my favourite especially Super Junior and SNSD
*those who know me well knew that.

Can you believe it? 
They actually fly to LOS ANGELES to have a concert. that's super cool.
eunhyuk was so worried about their popularity in U.S.
Well, his worries were just a waste because they attract 15,000 fans to the concert
what a blast man!!! Congratulations SM Town!!!
Fans from different countries. even U.S citizens went to watch. Cool.

see. so many audience!!!

ok. maybe it's not U.S citizen. but at least their have white skin. that says it all.

p/s: it's me again!

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