Thursday, October 14, 2010

the ugliest person I ever met

I suddenly see myself as an ugly girl
I don't know. When I look at my own picture and after that looking pictures of others, seriously I feel that I'm ugly no joke. my hair looks ugly my skin looks ugly my body looks ugly. everything in me is ugly. I didn't even want to look into the mirror. I really don't know why. gah! bang walls. I don't get to dress nicely like how people dress. I don't get to shop as much as I want like how people shop.

I admit I'm a little "kiasu"
I don't believe people who doesn't have a little bit of kiasu-ness deep inside their personality.
never mind, no one will read my blog also. so no matter how I rude or how emo I wrote, no one will know.
sigh. Lai Yin San, is a person who was once and always isolated by her friends. Don't ask me why I feel so, the feelings just came out of no where. Nobody likes the feeling of being isolated, but sometimes we just have to get used to it. life is morbid and we have to deal with the pain no matter where and when. FML.

When I see models, I wanna be like them. But I'm ugly.
no nice look, no nice legs, no nice body.
I think quite a number of people thinks I'm ugly and not good looking, they just don't tell it out. humans are like that. never tell the truth out to each other.
totally pissed and frustrated now.
I always feel that I'm the ugliest among my friends. yes. THE UGLIEST.
sigh, enough said, I have to get back to my tutorial questions and assignments. it's time for me to end the emo session. shall continue when I get back home. not in the blog. but alone in the room.

1 comment:

淋雨 芳 said...

san, 要知足,惜福,才快乐!
傻婆! 你最棒的,ok? :)