Thursday, June 23, 2011

my 400th post.

stay tune for tomorrow's update. or you could just view my spam-ed twitter.
and I deleted those retard posts I blogged 2-3 years ago.
ya, the VERY stupid ones. those pathetic posts I teared for that useless asshole
because it looks dumb. seriously. like a girl desperate for love
I flash back about it also wanna puke ady. *eiouk*
 yes, I was that stupid.
if you don't get it, it's alright, cause it's unnecessary
whatever, now everything's over *to be exact, it was over since 2 years ago,
and I got my good life going on.
I got my friends and family, and also the bf.  =) (Y)
I'm happy now. =) but currently, apparently now I mean. I'm pissed. ==
Imma blog about it tomorrow. everything.

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