for christ sake
I seriously cant stand it
you know how disgusting is it?
when boys think that emo-ing is cool
serious shit la
emo. you can be emo for certain time
go ahead
but don't you think
every day every hour every minute every second
being emo it's a little bit too over?
if it's me.
I can die already
and some weird freak guy thinks that emo is so cool
again!! emo is so cool-NOT!!!
emo? pick the right time to be emo la
eww. it's 101 YUCK!!!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
分析:您的性格類型是「ENFJ」( 教育家 )
溫情,有同情心,反應敏捷,有責任感。非常關注別人的情緒、需要和動機。善於發現他人的潛能,並希望能幫助他們實現。能夠成為個人或群體成長和進步的催化 劑。忠誠,對讚美和批評都能做出積極地回應。友善、好 社交。在團體中能很好地幫助他人,並有鼓舞他人的領導能力。 ENFJ型的人熱愛人類,他們認為人的感情是最重要的。而且他們很自然地關心別人,以熱情的態度對待生命,感受與個人相關的所有事物。由於他們很理想化, 按照自己的價值觀生活,因此ENFJ型的人對於他們所尊重和敬 佩的人、事業和機構非常忠誠。他們精力充沛、滿腔熱情、富有責任感、勤勤勤懇懇、鍥而不捨。 ENFJ型的人具有自我批評的自然傾向。然而,他們對他人的情感具有責任心,所以ENFJ型的人很少在公共場合批評人。他們 敏銳地意識到什麼是(或不是)合適的行為。他們彬彬有禮、富有魅力、討人喜歡、深諳社會。ENFJ型的人具有平和的性格與忍耐力,他們長於外交,擅長在自 己的周圍激發幽默感。他們是天然的領導者,受人歡迎而有魅 力。他們常常得利於自己口頭表達的天份,願意成為出色的傳播工作者。 ENFJ型的人在自已對情況感受的基礎上做決定,而不是基於事實本身。他們對顯而易見的事物之外的可能性,以及這些可能性以怎樣的方式影響他人 感興趣。 ENFJ型的人天生具有條理性,他們喜歡一種有安排的世界,並且希望別人也是如此。即使其他人正在做決定,他們還是喜歡把問題解決了。 ENFJ型的人富有同情心和理解力,願意培養和支持他人。他們能很好地 理解別人,有責任感和關心他人。由於他們是理想主義者,因此他們通常能看到別人身上的優點。
- 人力資源培訓主任
- 銷售經理
- 小企業經理
- 程序設計員
- 生態旅遊業專家
- 廣告客戶經理
- 公關專業人士
- 協調人
- 交流總裁
- 作家/記者
- 非營利機構總裁
- 雜誌編輯
- 電視製片人
- 市場專員
- 社會工作者
- 人力資源管理
- 職業指導顧問
- 心理咨詢工作者
- 大學教師(人文學科類)
- 教育學、心理學研究人員
- 撰稿人
- 節目主持人(新聞、採訪類)
- 公共關係專家
- 社會活動家
- 文藝工作者
- 平面設計師
- 畫家
- 音樂家
Another Birthday Shoutout

she has a good temper.
she won't get mad easily
she sometimes very whatever. lol
she ini orang terlalu baik
she's just a oh- so so ~ best friend to be
Lee Yee Min!! you know we all love you
banyak banyak banyak.
*wink* *hugs
and also
Happy Birthday to
I don't know him well
but I do know that he's a not bad friend. lol
he's a funny guy
I think he get angry easily though. lol
Happy Birthday To
Tan Xin Yan
so called mr.chopstick
lol. my senior.
saw him last week.
with his cute gf.
oh my.
no photos of both of them lol
it's ok one la
they wont angry
that's all for today peeps.
hey, and the three of you.
had a great birthday!!!

she has a good temper.
she won't get mad easily
she sometimes very whatever. lol
she ini orang terlalu baik
she's just a oh- so so ~ best friend to be
Lee Yee Min!! you know we all love you
banyak banyak banyak.
*wink* *hugs
and also
Happy Birthday to
I don't know him well
but I do know that he's a not bad friend. lol
he's a funny guy
I think he get angry easily though. lol
Happy Birthday To
Tan Xin Yan
so called mr.chopstick
lol. my senior.
saw him last week.
with his cute gf.
oh my.
no photos of both of them lol
it's ok one la
they wont angry
that's all for today peeps.
hey, and the three of you.
had a great birthday!!!
Friday, April 24, 2009
maybe I have a bad behavior
maybe I have a bad attitude
maybe I like to show the face
maybe I don't belong there
maybe I don't tolerate
maybe I'm sensitive
maybe I'm annoying and irritating
maybe. maybe everyone dislike me
that's why people never really care
that's why people never talk
that's why all I get is ignorance
I don't like the feeling of being isolated
I don't like the feeling of being a life jacket
I don't like the feeling of being ignored
seriously, I don't know what to do
somehow I wish I am them
so none of the above will happen to me
you never really care
maybe I have a bad attitude
maybe I like to show the face
maybe I don't belong there
maybe I don't tolerate
maybe I'm sensitive
maybe I'm annoying and irritating
maybe. maybe everyone dislike me
that's why people never really care
that's why people never talk
that's why all I get is ignorance
I don't like the feeling of being isolated
I don't like the feeling of being a life jacket
I don't like the feeling of being ignored
seriously, I don't know what to do
somehow I wish I am them
so none of the above will happen to me
you never really care
Thursday, April 23, 2009
I am so so so speechless right now
Apparently, you're not happy
which makes me unhappy too
because I am so not use to your unhappy expression
I know the problem
you know the problem
maybe she knows the problem
I don't hope it'll continue
but all I want now is like
back to the way it is
better, like last week, we had fun right?
after you told me what happened
how you feel
what are you worrying
I tempt to figure out someway to make you happier
I try to console you and hope your depression
will fade away
but how?
gosh! why everyone nowadays are so emo?
yet, I'm still here talking about some emo stuff
No! I should be the happy one
so I can cheer you up
I mean seriously
I don't want you to be that miserable
anyway, just bring up a big bright smile all right?
it'll be all right
Apparently, you're not happy
which makes me unhappy too
because I am so not use to your unhappy expression
I know the problem
you know the problem
maybe she knows the problem
I don't hope it'll continue
but all I want now is like
back to the way it is
better, like last week, we had fun right?
after you told me what happened
how you feel
what are you worrying
I tempt to figure out someway to make you happier
I try to console you and hope your depression
will fade away
but how?
gosh! why everyone nowadays are so emo?
yet, I'm still here talking about some emo stuff
No! I should be the happy one
so I can cheer you up
I mean seriously
I don't want you to be that miserable
anyway, just bring up a big bright smile all right?
it'll be all right
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
yo check this out
basically there's nothing to check or out what so ever
just that I'm facing a huge bosan mood now lol
these 3 days are Sukan Saringan
haha, scolded my juniors during meeting
some of the people were quite shocked
but I think some of it sudah used to it lol
haih my cousin told me something
50% bad 50% good lol
I feel like freezing myself in a refrigerator
leave me alone
before I go insane.
basically there's nothing to check or out what so ever
just that I'm facing a huge bosan mood now lol
these 3 days are Sukan Saringan
haha, scolded my juniors during meeting
some of the people were quite shocked
but I think some of it sudah used to it lol
haih my cousin told me something
50% bad 50% good lol
I feel like freezing myself in a refrigerator
leave me alone
before I go insane.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
I watched this at Astro lol
omg, I seriously love this movie so so much
damn nice la
lol, I'm gonna go London when
my brother and sister are there studying
and I'm going to watch a football match, LIVE!!
one of my- to do things list
omg, I seriously love this movie so so much
damn nice la
lol, I'm gonna go London when
my brother and sister are there studying
and I'm going to watch a football match, LIVE!!
one of my- to do things list

and I'm also waiting for GOAL 3
GOAL 2 said "to be continued..."
at the end there lol
want to watch that desperately lol
GOAL 2 said "to be continued..."
at the end there lol
want to watch that desperately lol
Friday, April 17, 2009
guess what people?
congratz to me again
because I sprained my ankle again lol
damn chun la me
anyway people
next week is Sukan Saringan
everything will back to normal soon
I mean my daily schedule
my schedule now is all up side down
today wenxing, xingkun, crystal, joe, nyitkang, meihwan, nicole and choon yit
went to the daerah bomba camp lol
heard that wenxing said
she's already half dead lol
imagine when she's back from the camp
she might lying on the hospital bed
she said that herself too lol
planned to go kexin's house to sleepover
but my mum and dad wont let me one la
just face it la LAI YIN SAN lol
due to my injured leg
I cant make it to the majlis anugerah tomorrow
LOL it's ok la
I'll just take that as a rest
damn long never stay at house on Saturday
every single week busy with this and that
lol that's all for today la
off to the television
I'm such a TV addict
congratz to me again
because I sprained my ankle again lol
damn chun la me
anyway people
next week is Sukan Saringan
everything will back to normal soon
I mean my daily schedule
my schedule now is all up side down
today wenxing, xingkun, crystal, joe, nyitkang, meihwan, nicole and choon yit
went to the daerah bomba camp lol
heard that wenxing said
she's already half dead lol
imagine when she's back from the camp
she might lying on the hospital bed
she said that herself too lol
planned to go kexin's house to sleepover
but my mum and dad wont let me one la
just face it la LAI YIN SAN lol
due to my injured leg
I cant make it to the majlis anugerah tomorrow
LOL it's ok la
I'll just take that as a rest
damn long never stay at house on Saturday
every single week busy with this and that
lol that's all for today la
off to the television
I'm such a TV addict
Saturday, April 11, 2009
damn beh song la
it's like we marched better than ahem
some badan uniform
but yet we never have a place
which is not very happy
but it's all right la
we'll win at the marching competition bomba
and we'll get any of the 3 places lol
hope so la seriously
then we went to Mid Valley
our first plan is having a movie
but then yesterday that stupid boon hong told me
he want to sunway with his ah girl lol
Leong Boon Hong!!
Fong Fei Kei la, damn pandai la you
go for your girl la lol
then end up we went to sushi king
and shop for shoon siang's present
shop for few shops I guess lol
and edn up we went to F.O.S
to buy his present lol
now, I'm at his house blogging
chun kan? lol
he's having a party now
sista went
school friends went
and I have to run to places lol
ok la, I ciaoz first!!
toodles guy
it's like we marched better than ahem
some badan uniform
but yet we never have a place
which is not very happy
but it's all right la
we'll win at the marching competition bomba
and we'll get any of the 3 places lol
hope so la seriously
then we went to Mid Valley
our first plan is having a movie
but then yesterday that stupid boon hong told me
he want to sunway with his ah girl lol
Leong Boon Hong!!
Fong Fei Kei la, damn pandai la you
go for your girl la lol
then end up we went to sushi king
and shop for shoon siang's present
shop for few shops I guess lol
and edn up we went to F.O.S
to buy his present lol
now, I'm at his house blogging
chun kan? lol
he's having a party now
sista went
school friends went
and I have to run to places lol
ok la, I ciaoz first!!
toodles guy
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Sunday, April 05, 2009
last Friday was the first day of Sukan Tara
I didn't walk for a very long and far distance
but yet I still feel tired
weird me..
tomorrow still have to continue with the Sukan Tara
gosh!! not into the Sukan Tara thing
is not that I don't want to do
what I meant is I like Saringan more compare to Tara

by the crazy as ever -yinsan
last Friday was the first day of Sukan Tara
I didn't walk for a very long and far distance
but yet I still feel tired
weird me..
tomorrow still have to continue with the Sukan Tara
gosh!! not into the Sukan Tara thing
is not that I don't want to do
what I meant is I like Saringan more compare to Tara
I want to watch this BADLY
I think it's nice la
but I don't think anyone will wanna accompany me
to watch this
sad case
I think it's nice la
but I don't think anyone will wanna accompany me
to watch this
sad case

by the crazy as ever -yinsan
Thursday, April 02, 2009
after the meeting
I hope everything will back to normal
really definitely 100% normal
back to the way it is
which is everyone is very happy
which is everyone talking crap crazily
and laugh like nobody's business together
and that's the best way
after all these unhappy stuffs
but yet we're still a big family right?
family do fights
but there're always a way that
we can make it up all together
I still love you all!!
banyak banyak banyak!!!
*big hugs
by the crazy as ever -yinsan
I hope everything will back to normal
really definitely 100% normal
back to the way it is
which is everyone is very happy
which is everyone talking crap crazily
and laugh like nobody's business together
and that's the best way
after all these unhappy stuffs
but yet we're still a big family right?
family do fights
but there're always a way that
we can make it up all together
I still love you all!!
banyak banyak banyak!!!
*big hugs
by the crazy as ever -yinsan
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
I am so sick of it already
what the hell is wrong with my life?
why is this happening again?
why is this happening for the second time?
and ya I'm so suck at it
I always screw it up
so, can anyone of you tell me
what is wrong with me?
and another thing is
no you're not lonely
and you're not alone
if it's so, why don't you think about both of us
before you said you are friendless
both of us
kept in our heart for a long time already
we never say it out loud
because we don't want make things worse
so we keep and keep and keep
but everyone has their limit
yes, they can keep
but every empty spaces have their limits
until one day it will also be full
but do both of us have a choice?
no we never had a chance to ask for a right
so what if we tell?
will things change better?
will everyone care?
no, I don't think so
I've kept this for a long time
don't know since when
I thought it would be better
if I don't say it out loud
but it turn out to be worse
something unexpected
I can't take it anymore
I am going to burst
yet no one will care about it
or maybe except her
because we are the same
p/s : you've got it all wrong, but so what if you understand? because you won't give a damn, because you're over it which I screwed it up all with my hands.
by the crazy as ever -yinsan
what the hell is wrong with my life?
why is this happening again?
why is this happening for the second time?
and ya I'm so suck at it
I always screw it up
so, can anyone of you tell me
what is wrong with me?
and another thing is
no you're not lonely
and you're not alone
if it's so, why don't you think about both of us
before you said you are friendless
both of us
kept in our heart for a long time already
we never say it out loud
because we don't want make things worse
so we keep and keep and keep
but everyone has their limit
yes, they can keep
but every empty spaces have their limits
until one day it will also be full
but do both of us have a choice?
no we never had a chance to ask for a right
so what if we tell?
will things change better?
will everyone care?
no, I don't think so
I've kept this for a long time
don't know since when
I thought it would be better
if I don't say it out loud
but it turn out to be worse
something unexpected
I can't take it anymore
I am going to burst
yet no one will care about it
or maybe except her
because we are the same
p/s : you've got it all wrong, but so what if you understand? because you won't give a damn, because you're over it which I screwed it up all with my hands.
by the crazy as ever -yinsan
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